“The Blind Game” was a unique challenge undertaken during the Game Design minor, where we were tasked with designing games around simple, unconventional themes. This particular assignment required us to create a game that could be played entirely without visuals, focusing instead on audio cues to guide the player.
In collaboration with Ben, I developed a 3D game where players must defeat an endless horde of aliens using auditory cues. Stereo sound was employed to indicate the direction of enemies, and additional audio feedback was used to alert players when they were aiming directly at an alien. Despite the game’s reliance on sound, designing accurate echo-location mechanics proved challenging. For instance:
- Sounds directly in front and behind the player were often indistinguishable using stereo headphones.
- Menus and other non-gameplay elements required creative design to be fully accessible without visuals.
The project was completed over two months, during which I gained experience in:
- Audio design and editing with Audacity.
- Designing gameplay mechanics tailored for auditory feedback.
While “The Blind Game” is not planned for further development, it was a rewarding project that demonstrated the possibilities of creating immersive experiences through sound alone.
You can explore the project on GitHub.